Todd Cherches: Harnessing The Power of Visual Thinking

In today’s episode, author and TEDx speaker Todd Cherches reveals how working for some seriously horrible Hollywood bosses led him to pursue a successful career in leadership development. During our conversation, Todd unpacks why storytelling should be at the heart of everything we do, and explains how visual thinking can make us all better managers and leaders.

Topics include:

  • The real transformative power of overcoming your fears and pushing yourself into the zone of the unknown
  • Evolutionary change vs. revolutionary change
  • Why managing and leading are two different skill sets
  • How to get others to see your vision
  • Are visual thinkers born or made?
  • Why we’re all born storytellers with incredible tales to share
  • Why you need to be a story listener (and what that really means)
  • Being the best you you can be
  • How to reframe challenging tasks and take bigger risks
  • And so much more!

Todd Cherches is the CEO and cofounder of BigBlueGumball, a NYC-based consulting firm specializing in leadership development, public speaking, and executive coaching. He is also a three-time award-winning Adjunct Professor of leadership in the Human Capital Management master’s program at NYU, and a Lecturer on leadership at Columbia University. Todd is also a TEDx speaker (“The Power of Visual Thinking”), and the author of VisuaLeadership: Leveraging the Power of Visual Thinking in Leadership and in Life.

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